Divine Mercy and Divine Grace

John 3:16-17 " For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him."

Why This Blog?

Why do I do this blog?

Recently, I have received questions about my motives for doing this blog from respected protestant friends. So I thought I would take this time to set things in order.

This Apostolate has been approved and blessed by the Archbishop of Omaha and several other Bishops ( it is listed on the links page of the Archdiocese of Omaha's web page under Apostolates) http://www.archomaha.org/links/apostolates.html. Apostolates are organizations of the Catholic laity devoted to the mission of the Church en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apostolates

To me this is a Crusade against the evils I see in this world. It is a Crusade to spread the Gospel of Jesus to every nation I can. So far we have reached 56 nations. This Crusade will be successful because too many people need the Divine Mercy of God. Although this is certainly a Catholic site, this Crusade is certainly not limited to Catholics. I encourage Protestants to participate as well.

The total goal of this site is the salvation of souls, to help people know the Divine Mercy of Jesus. It is my goal to get people devoted to the Divine Mercy of Jesus and spread this knowledge to everyone they know, to give them tools to help share this devotion. It is my goal to get these same people to pray for the following issues.

1. Peace- obviously there is enough war and suffering from oppression in the world today especially among the faithful in countries where they are minorities. The world needs the peace of Jesus.

2. The salvation of souls- This is the reason Jesus came in the first place was for our salvation. Everyone who has ever been born needs His salvation period.

3. The ending of abortion- This is the most heinous of all sins on the face of the planet today. Approx. 1 billion abortions have been done in the last 40 years worldwide. That is 1,000,000,000 people who have had their lives extinguished with no one to defend them. That is more than were killed in all the wars in all the history of the world.As a tanker I was willing to lay down my life for my country. Today, I am willing to do the same again as a Christian who is Catholic.

4. The intentions of the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI- He is the vicar of Christ over the Church. He is responsible for the leadership and spiritual well being of over 1.2 billion people. That is 1,200,000,000 half of all Christians on the planet. His intentions are only for the good of all of God's children. He loves us as a father would his own children and he loves Jesus. I am at his service whenever and wherever he would call.

5. The Holy Souls in Purgatory- I don't care whether people believe this doctrine or not. I do and I will pray for the mercy of God for these people until I die. Hopefully someone will pray for me when I pass on.

6. The necessities and intentions of at least 10 others- Intercessory prayer is a spiritual act of mercy. We can all do this for others. If we don't know 10 people we can watch or listen to the news to figure out that there are so many with needs that are critical. It is a good thing to do.

7. Praying for our nation- I pray that the people of every nation will turn their hearts to Jesus. I hope everyone who reads this will do the same for their nation. I particularly pray for my nation the United States.

I have added an additional one this week:

Christian Unity- It never was the intention of Jesus to see His Church divided. It must become united again. It is how we show that we love one another.

I have prayed much about what prayers were the most effective and suitable for this. The Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Divine Mercy Chaplet, and the Stations of the Cross are what I feel God has asked me to encourage people to pray.

The Rosary is by far the most common and powerful prayer used by the Church throughout the world. I encourage everyone including protestants to pray it daily. It is a very powerful prayer that includes the Apostle's creed, The Our Father, The Hail Mary, The Glory Be, and The Fatima prayer. Each is intercessory and also an act of mercy.

The Divine Mercy Chaplet is a very powerful prayer for forgiveness and mercy. Bringing to God the Father the memory of the sacrifice Jesus has made for us.

The Stations of the Cross show us the cost of our salvation. The passion of Christ is certainly a painful and sorrowful reminder of the cost of our sins.

I encourage everyone to pray the prayers the choose. These I know are inspired by God and have served His Church a very long time. The message of the Gospel is that Jesus died for us to allow us to become children of God.

Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again! It is the mystery of our faith and the Hope of our future.

I wrote the book "The covenant of mercy and blessing" to share just how good this act of mercy Jesus did is. The book was done in 1999-2000 and has changed some since. The message is still the same God has fulfilled all of His promises to us through Jesus. He not only is our salvation He is our covenant representative with God the Father for our complete redemption. Please read it and learn what many have passed on to us including Pope John Paul II.

As far as the donations, I am not getting any money off of this. If anyone is wondering; freely I have been given and freely I give.

So there you have it. My motivation is the salvation of souls and everything listed here. The Mercy of Jesus is the only way to salvation. He gives us so much through the sacraments of the Church. The Graces He gives us through the sacraments are too many to measure. They are individualized for each of us as we come to Him in the mass.

The absolutely greatest thing anyone can do is to go to mass and partake of the Holy Eucharist which is the real body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. His real presence is in the host and it is the pinnacle of our faith. If you have any questions about this please ask a Priest. They can explain it so much better than I can.

God bless, Todd