Divine Mercy and Divine Grace

John 3:16-17 " For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him."

Saturday, June 26, 2010

50,766,331 abortions 1973–2008 and the judgement of the Father

Please pray the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary EVERY DAY for peace, the ending of abortion, and for the intentions of the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI.

Please pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, Daily for the mercy of God upon us, the faithful, the Pope, all Bishops, all Priests, all religious, those who do not believe in God and who do not yet know Jesus, the Holy souls in purgatory, all in need, those who have left the Church, those who attack the Church, and those who seek the ruin of the kingdom. May Jesus have mercy on us all.

Please pray the Stations of the Cross daily to remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us and to encourage us to do the same for others. Abortion is a national tradgedy and will not end without the intercession of Jesus and Mary.

   Some people say that God will judge our country for the murder of over 50 million of our own citizens. I contened it has already started. The greatest strength of a nation is its people. The measure of that strength is economic activity.
   Of the 50 million who have been slain, around approx. 30 million would be in the workforce and be having children of their own. So we are seeing a second generation that is being eliminated as well. 1973 and Roe v. Wade was 37 years ago, I have people I know who were grandparents by then, so a third generation is being affected.
   If we use the economic statistics that are released by the gov. then 50 million people would represent 1/7th of our population and if this group was just average then that would be another $2.2 trillion dollars contributed to the GDP. It would represent nearly $880 billion in taxes for the Fed, State, and Local governments. They would purchase 1.5 million new vehicles a year. They would occupy 16.5 million homes. Their debt load would be in excess of $750 billion dollars, their interest payments to banks (no need to bail out) would be over $50 billion a year. Their ecconomic activity is reflected in what was lost in this recession. The totals are staggering and the number coincide very well. So here we are.
   What is next? Repent, Pray, Reconcile, Redeem. Have hope that Jesus will hear our prayers. If we all pray the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet as well as the Stations of the Cross something marvalous will have to happen. Christ will hear our prayer and heal our land. Will you be a part of the vision and spread this message of hope? Todd

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