Divine Mercy and Divine Grace

John 3:16-17 " For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him."

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Prayer for Egypt

Prayers to Saint Antony of Egypt

O’ Glorious Saint Antony, who upon hearing only one word of the Gospel didst forsake the riches and the ease of thy family, thy native land and the world, in order to retire into the wilderness; who, in spite of thy heavy burden of advanced age and the ravages of severe penance, didst not hesitate to leave thy solitude to rebuke openly the impiety of heretics and to restore wavering Christians to a firmer hold upon their faith with all the zeal of a confessor desirous of martyrdom; who through thy conquest of self and the excellence of thy virtues wast endowed by Our Lord with miraculous power over animate and inanimate nature; do thou obtain for us the grace to be ever zealous in the cause of Christ and His Church and to persevere even unto death in our imitation of thee, in our belief in revealed truth, and in our keeping of they commandments and the counsels of the Gospel; to the end that, having faithfully followed in thy footsteps here on earth, we many be enabled to become sharers in thy heavenly glory through all the ages of eternity. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be three times.

From the Sedro of the "Quorbono" of the Maronite Rite

(........Mass of St. Anthony of the Desert)

"O Christ our God, You taught us the way of true perfection and happiness. You encouraged those who follow You to sell what they have, give to the poor and to take up the cross. When blessed Anthony heard these words, his heart was inflamed with love for You. He left the world, renounced nation and family and accepted Your easy yoke. He entered monastic life with his companions: mortification, abstinence and self-denial. By turning away from everything, he turned to You alone; and by dying to himself, he lived for You alone. For this reason we honor his memory and say: Blessed are you, holy Anthony, father of monks and example of religious life; tall cedar on the slope of Mount Lebanon, you have become a prophetic word echoing in the world .Blessed are you, holy Anthony; you became a lampstand for the Light of the world. By that Light, many have been guided in the way of religious life Blessed are you, Holy Anthony, morning star in a world of darkness. Your light made evil fear and caused sin to drawback in fright. How glorious is your Lord, now and forever."

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