Unity of the Holy Spirit and Why we so desperately need it.
Since April 1st, I have really been struggling. Not with my faith, but with the things I see in the Church world that just are depressing. I had turned on TV and was flipping on April 1st when I saw a guy on 3 Angles network telling his audience that the Pope was Anti-Christ and the Catholic Church was not Christian. I could not believe it. In this day and age we should at least be over this goofy stuff. But there it was, and this guy was serious. He was using the Bible that Catholic Bishops determined was Sacred Scripture to preach against the very Church that gave him his Bible!
It would not be so important, but people actually listen to these guys and spread that teaching. Straight out of the pit of hell this doctrine of demons. How can they call themselves Christian and preach against the Pope, one of the holiest men on the face of the planet! What a mess, no wonder the world is confused as to which church is right and which one is not. No wonder the term Christian has become a derogatory name in many places.
This is the truth, Jesus never wanted His Church divided. He left us Peter as the first Pope, he has seen the Church through division before and He will see it through again. The issue is that as we work toward unity of faith there must be mutual respect from all sides. It can not be the Catholic Church that is always giving in and the others always pushing their way on the Church.
True unity of the Holy Spirit reflects the love of Jesus for all and upon all. We must love each other as He has loved us. We can not call each other anti-christ when we all are proclaiming Jesus as LORD and the savior of the world. Proclaiming the gospel, feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, clothing the naked, praying for the sick, giving shelter to the homeless, and treating others as if they were Jesus is an outward example of our love. These physical acts of mercy are a sign of our unity. They mean so much more when our words and actions are united in the cause of Christ. The world needs to see that alignment and see how real love works. Faith works through love and we need to display this to the world.
The Catholic Church must lead the way on this. Others will follow. It is the Church which show Christ's love to a needy world. We will have to display forgiveness and love to the protestants as they slowly come to realize the truth about real unity of the Spirit being all of us united in Jesus Christ not slandering each other.
May God have mercy on those who teach against the Catholic Church, they do not know what they are doing. As Jesus was persecuted so will we His body be. His Church is His body.
Keep the Faith and God bless you and yours, Todd
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